Sunday, February 10, 2019

An Exciting Week in February Coming Up!

Hello Families,
     It's the week of the 100th Day and Valentine's Day coming up and the excitement is high for both days in B-3!  Please remember to have your child bring in his or her collection of 100 items on Monday and Valentines for the class on Thursday.  I sent home a list of student names last week in the red folder.  Let me know if you need another one.  We want every child to be included on the special day.  Our School Counselor, Julie Cleary, also let all the teachers know it is Random Acts of Kindness week so we will be talking about that in class and working on filling a jar with pompoms when we catch each other doing random acts of kindness. 
    There is no school next week for our February Break.  In March, there is an Early Release Day on the 7th and on the school calendar, it shows March 8th as a No School day for Parent Conferences.  I prefer to do my Spring Parent Conferences a bit later, since we just sent home the midyear report on February 1st.  So you will see a note from me later in March to sign up for conferences.
     After break, our class will start a week long unit with Mr. Flint, our STEM teacher here at Mary Hogan.  We will be using what we know about force and engineering to build bridges.  In literacy right now a big skill we are working on is tapping and reading 3 letter words, like cat, log and fun.  The students use their fingers to tap out the 3 sounds and blend them to read the word.  Have your child show you how they are progressing with this skill.  Our February calendar has the students comparing the number of red and blue dots each day and building a vocabulary of comparison words (all, none, more, less, equal, etc).  Also tied into the calendar this month, we are learning the value of a penny, nickel, dime and quarter, with the help of a song, of course!  Here are some photos from last week.  Have a good week...we will be celebrating big numbers and love this week in B-3!
Working on our 100th Day crowns


Busy with literacy stations: Partner work, individual reading time, small group work, word building

After reading Sneezy the Snowman, the students developed a writing piece telling why their snowman melted.  They are hanging in our hallway.

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