Friday, March 20, 2020

Hello From My House To Yours!

Hello Families,
     As I play around with some new technology so that I can connect with you and students from afar in the next few weeks, I tried out taking photos and video from my computer.  Plus, I wanted the Kindergartners to see my face and know that I am thinking of them and that I miss them.  My students know that I am an emotional person...they have seen me shed tears over sad things and happy things.  Making this video for them was a bit hard for took several tries because I teared up just thinking about my students.  Sending virtual hugs, fist bumps, high fives and friendly handshakes from afar.....

This is my beagle, Izzy.  She has a lot of energy, just like Kindergartners!

This is my big chocolate lab, Frisco.   He was pushing my glasses right off my head when he jumped on me for the photo!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

March Weather...Lion or Lamb?

Hello Families,
     On the calendar this month in Kindergarten, we are tracking the weather.  Is the day mild and sunny (a lamb day) or cloudy and chilly (a lion day)?  Already, we are noticing that March brings both kinds of weather!  This Wednesday the 11th is our skiing at Rikert day.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and if you are volunteering to help us out, we ask that you drive and meet us up there.  I hope it is a lamb-like weather day!  There is also going to be an All School Meeting on Thursday the 12th so it's a great day to to wear the Mary Hogan shirts as we gather together.
     I have a lot of photos to share with you.  You will see some samples of a Cat in the Hat rhyming activity, some children working on their Who We Are self portraits examining their outer traits, kids playing math games together, Robyn and Lydia helping with morning announcements in the office, classmates building structures at Choice Time, and students peeling their green hard boiled eggs and trying the green ham (which was a big success...lots of risk takers realized they liked green eggs and ham!). 
    Lastly, I will be sending home information soon about signing up for the spring parent conference.  Like in the fall, I will include mostly after school times, but will also have some slots available during the day when the students are at recess or a special.  Please remember to choose several different slots that could work for you.  Thanks!