Saturday, March 23, 2019

Stuffy Day Fun

Hello Families,
     Stuffy Day was a big hit in B-3!  I have included some photos of a few of the activities we did with our Stuffies on that day.  I sent home parent conference schedules for everyone in the red folder.  If you haven't yet sent in the sign up paper, please do so promptly so that we can schedule a conference.  There is a new assignment for the Mystery Bag.  It connects to our "Who We Are" unit and directions are in the bag.  Have fun with it!  The students don't have school on Friday, March 29th as it is a teacher work day.  Enjoy the sun this weekend and get out and enjoy some Vermont maple at a local sugarhouse!

Reading to our stuffies and building structures for our fun!

Drawing and writing about our stuffies...I loved hearing what they were all named!

Helping friends learn more about their animals and making crowns for stuffies....very serious work!

Sorting the stuffies by different attributes....

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Fox in Socks

Hello Families,
     We have been practicing our rhyming skills a bunch lately as we read many Dr. Seuss books over the past week.  Today the students responded to the writing prompt:  What did you learn about building bridges?  Mr. Flint enjoys reading what the children take away from the engineering unit.  I am collecting some of my recycling at home so we can have a Bridge Building Extension with different materials and tests.  Tricia came from the Ilsley Library today and read a book about leprechauns, luck and magic.  Then the children used their fine motor skills to make a wee leprechaun to take home.  We all enjoyed sharing our stories about how we got our names!  The children are working on a Who We Are poster to explore more about community, values and traits we have.  Here are a few pictures from our rhyme time fun!

Our classroom door is decorated and we practiced identifying real versus nonsense words.

The green eggs and ham was a hit!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Lions and Lambs

Hello Families,
     We have a short week of school coming up with the March 7th Early Release Day and no school on March 8th.  With March upon us, we will be be weather watchers as part of our daily calendar.  We talked about the old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" and what that means.  Our calendar helper for the day will be the weather watcher and tell us if it is a Lion weather day or a Lamb weather day.  We will count and graph our results and practice our comparison language as we go through the month.
     The trip to Middlebury College to see the Ragamala Dance Company was exciting!  The musicians from India were amazing and there was so much to see and hear during the performance.  The Kindergartners were able to discuss what they liked the most, some expressing it was hard to sit for the 45 minutes, but everyone had positive reflections, as well.  One of the reasons I love teaching Kindergarten is having opportunities to experience with them something new that the students have never experienced before. 
     Our last day of bridge building with Mr. Flint will be this week, along with our first all school Morning Meeting assembly on Monday and Wacky Wednesday.  I have included some pictures from our 100th day of school celebration and our bridge building.  You will see the children stacking 100 cups, making the 100th day snack mix, predicting and observing what 100 drops of water looks like, dancing and counting to 100, building bridges in Mr. Flint's room and experimenting with bridge building in the classroom.  Enjoy the week!