Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Few Notes For You....

Hello Families,
      Before I post a few photos from our Fall Hike last week, I wanted to share some brief notes for you.  With the cooler weather upon us, students are wearing extra layers to school.  Miss Bettee and I are urging students to do their own zipping, buttoning, snapping and all the other skills needed for getting dressed in the chilly fall and winter.  We allow for extra time once snow pants and boots are needed, too!  Thanks for your support with fostering independence in our Kindergartners.
      The MESA Parent Group would like to ask everyone to collect Box Tops off of products and send them in to school.  Our school gets 10 cents for each Box Top sent in!  When you have a good collection of them, send them in with your child.  Thanks!
    Our school holds a BIG fundraiser called the Readathon in November.  Information about the Readathon will be coming home.  Please read it carefully...there is A LOT of information to try and understand!  I will send reminders home about days to send in the reading logs and keep you informed.  Also, the Spirit Wear will be coming home! 



Lots of climbing, collecting and exploring!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Hike on Tuesday, 10/16

Hello Families,
     Thanks for everyone's response to the parent conference sign up - everyone has been scheduled.  If you find life happens and you need to reschedule, please let me know and we will find another time.  For those of you coming at an afterschool time, we will meet in our classroom.  If you are coming in during the school day, I try to schedule one of the conference rooms in the building. 
     I have a time on Wednesday afternoons that I am finding would be a good time for a parent volunteer.  If you are interested in making the commitment to come in on Wednesdays from 12:10-1:30 to work with a small group during a 3 group rotation, please let me know.  If you can commit to every other Wednesday, that would work as well. 
     Lastly, we are going on a Fall Hike on Tuesday!  Please be sure your child wears sturdy sneakers or hiking boots and an extra layer.  We will be walking through the Buttolph neighborhood behind school and hiking in Battell Woods.  As we have been learning about our school community, we have been discussing places in the Middlebury community and the woods is a place I want to the students to have access to. 
     Lastly, no school on Friday, Oct. 19th.  Now some pics.....

Observing places around town with a partner.

Walking the small trail behind Mary Hogan, looking for
signs of Fall.

Our October calendar has several patterns in it to discover.....

g is for goldfish! Graphing and eating goldfish on Fun Friday.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Into October....

Hello Families,
     I have lots of photos to share with you today.  Remember, it's a great opportunity to get a narrative from your Kindergartner about our day when you look at the photos together!  Sometimes at the end of the day, it can be hard for a Kindergartner to chat about or answer your questions about the school day.  The more specific the questions the better:  Who did you play with today?  Did you practice writing any letters today?  What book have you heard lately at school that you really liked?  What made you happy today?
     The t-shirts have been arriving at school so we will be tie-dying soon! Also, if you haven't returned the sign up sheet for your parent conference, please do so.  I noticed that many people signed up for the latest time slots, which I understand due to work.  If I plug you into a slot that definitely won't work, just let me know and we will come up with a new time that works for both of us.  Thank you!
    Here are a few descriptors for the following photos:  making shapes with our bodies, the Hello, Hello, Hello greeting,  matching the letter cards, our brand new poetry folders, great name practice, chopping apples for applesauce, making a Fall book with the Big Buddies, exploring and socializing in the sensory table, practicing working with a partner with letter matching on the rug, reading books together.